Young Kenny

Young Kenny is one of many characters from the comic world of Peter Kay.

Young Kenny is a quiet member of The Phoenix Club played by Justin Moorhouse. He Appeared in Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights and briefly appearing "butt naked" in Max and Paddy's Road to Nowhere.

Young Kenny is the uncredited member of The Phoenix Club, mainly because he is quite dumb. Young Kenny likes to engineer, an area where a spark of intelligence shines through. Young Kenny is always to be seen wearing a Manchester City F.C. shirt. He is a staff member who will shine when he wishes to, mostly criticised and mocked by his boss Brian Potter.

In Series 2, Young Kenny gained something that earned him a new nickname: "Tiger face". When it was Family Fun Day at the Phoenix, they hired "one of Ray Von's mates" to do the face-painting. He turned out to be a gypsy who sprayed children's faces with car paint or some sort of permanent paint. Young Kenny couldn't wash the paint off, leaving him with a permanent tiger's face (unless he gets permanent paint to match his skin tones). However, by his appearance on Max and Paddy's Road to Nowhere, most of the paint has worn off except for bits on his eyebrows and nose.

Young Kenny may be well-remembered for playing Meat Loaf in Stars in Their Eyes (after Den Perry cancelled the other scheduled performers at the club). Young Kenny made a brilliant entry on the Take-away Moped, after engineering it to look like a motorbike with spraypainted silver cola bottles and cardboard wings. Young Kenny's three favourite things are: his Wooly Hat, Engineering, and his Take-away Moped.